Research project Lupinex- analytical method development for analysis of lupine-alkaloids in food

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LUPINEX is a research project of Ghent University (Ir. Sofie Schryvers, Prof. Liesbeth Jaxcsens and Prof. Mia Eeckhout- Faculty of Bioscience Engineering- Department of Food Technology, Safety and Health) and Primoris that aims to determine the exposure to quinolizidine alkaloids (QAs) and phomopsines (PHOs) by the consumption of lupine-based products for the Belgian population. The project is part of the protein transition to plant-based foods. It is in fact expected that the share of exposure to alkaloids and mycotoxins, but also other contaminants, will be exceeded by a general increased intake of plant foods.

At Ciboris (Primoris Holding), a multi-method for the analysis of quinolizidine alkaloids and phomopsines is being developed and validated for relevant matrices (e.g. lupine flour, lupine seeds, biscuits, chips, ...). This method of analysis will then be used for the screening of foodstuffs, available on the Belgian market, containing lupine or its derivatives. Since there is a lack of suitable consumption data for lupine-containing foods to estimate exposure to these contaminants, a targeted food consumption survey is being developed and rolled out across Belgium.

In addition, the transfer of QAs and PHOs from feed containing lupine to animal products will be determined. For this purpose, targeted sampling will be done from the compound feed manufacturers to farmers who feed lupine or derivatives to their animals. We now know that lupine is mainly used in the calves sector. In collaboration with the sector, targeted samples are collected, for example calf liver samples from calves fed with lupine-containing feed, which will then be analysed.

Some of the results of this project are published in the following publications: 

The fate of quinolizidine alkaloids during the processing of lupins (lupinus spp.) for human consumption: Sofie Schryvers, Chinaza Arinzechukwu, Bram Miserez, Mia Eeckhout and Liesbeth Jaxcsens. Food Chemistry 2023.

Quinolizidine alkaloids and Phomopsine A in animal feed containing lupins:: co-occurence and carry-over into veal products: Sofie Schryvers, Liesbeth Jacxsens, Siska Croubels, Sigrid Vonck, Bram Miserez, Jet Van De Steene, Graciele Necchi Rohers and Mia Eeckhout. Food Additives and Contaminants 2024.